Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
The Great Commission - These were probably among Jesus’ very last words to His disciples. Last words tend to be very important words. It was really a few short words designed to summarize Christ’s own life. Jesus was saying to the disciples that for the rest of their lives they are to do what he had modeled in His own life.
Why “great”? The commission is “great” because it has to do with the gospel.
This commission is an everyday commission, given to every believer for every moment of their life. It is every Christian’s task. Some may argue that Jesus gave the commission only to the Eleven, His closet companions. But, Jesus gave this charge to every Christian follower! Below you'll see some individuals & families who've committed their lives to this great call to make disciples!
Why “great”? The commission is “great” because it has to do with the gospel.
This commission is an everyday commission, given to every believer for every moment of their life. It is every Christian’s task. Some may argue that Jesus gave the commission only to the Eleven, His closet companions. But, Jesus gave this charge to every Christian follower! Below you'll see some individuals & families who've committed their lives to this great call to make disciples!

Emmanuel & Alice Adomako
Love in Christ International - Ghana
Mr. Adomako is helping to teach pastors and church leaders God’ Word. In Ghana, it is very difficult for people to find places to learn and apply the Bible. They are finishing a building where they can hold these classes and also have a medical clinic. It is difficult to find help when someone is sick or hurt in Ghana, too. Mrs. Adomako is a nurse and will be running the clinic.

Bruce Allen
FMI - Muslim Majority Regions
Mr. Allen works with pastors in countries where
missionaries aren’t allowed to go. He helps them learn more about God’s word and also provides Bibles for them to read and give to others. Please pray for Mr. Allen and the native pastors, that they would be good teachers and also that they would be safe from people who don’t want others to hear about Jesus.

Pastor Dante
FMI - Turkiye
Pastor Dante serves as a Pastor to a congregation in Turkiye. Dante and his family are part of a small community of Christians who worship in Turkiye. Pray for Pastor Dante and family as they serve Christians in Turkiye.

Jim Davis
City Gate Mission - Coatesville, PA
Mr. Davis is the director of City Gate Mission in Coatesville. City Gate is a place for men to stay after they have been in prison. Mr. Davis and the volunteers at City Gate give the men food and shelter, but also tell them about Jesus and how He can set them free forever!

R&M H are church planters in Canada. People from all over the world have moved into their area of Canada and many have never heard about Jesus or have heard things that are not true. R&M reach out to them through language classes, Bible studies and simple friendship. M is from France and is able to use her native language to help others.

Pastor Izzet
FMI - Turkiye
Pastor Izzet serves as a Pastor to a congregation in Turkiye. Izzet also organizes camps for children and youth in Turkiye and publishes evangelical materials for children in his Turkiye community. Pray for Pastor Izzet and family as they serve Christians in Turkiye.

Kevin and Jeanne
New York City
Kevin and Jeanne are church planters in New York City where people from every part of the world come to work, go to school and live. They lead Bible studies and language classes, getting to know people and sharing about Jesus. Many of the people who accept Jesus go back to their home country and share Jesus with their family and friends.

Jason & Jonie Mellinger
Helping Hands - North Pole, AK
Helping Hands Alaska exists to serve the physical needs of the Pastors and Missionaries in Bush Alaska.
By taking on the load of their buying and shipping, repairing of houses, vehicles, boats, four wheelers and other equipment, we make sure that they can focus on the most important work of all, bringing the hope and light of Jesus Christ to the hard to reach corners of the Arctic.

Matt & Melissa Oser
FBCP - George, South Africa
Matt and Melissa are ministering as full time Missionaries in George, South Africa. We will be working alongside of the Gahmans in church planting, training national pastors, working with Children and youth ministries, and counseling as part of the Inspire George team.

Nehemiah Paul
Mr. Paul works with pastors in countries where
missionaries aren’t allowed to go. He helps them learn more about God’s word and also provides Bibles for them to read and give to others. Please pray for Mr. Paul and the native pastors, that they would be good teachers and also that they would be safe from people who don’t want others to hear about Jesus.

Rosalie Welsh
Unto - Mt. Joy, PA
At Unto® we help you express the kindness of Jesus to people living in the toughest places on earth by relieving suffering, restoring dignity, and revealing hope.
We strive to be responsive to the physical and spiritual needs of people around the world. We are passionate about sharing the hope of Jesus with them. Together with you, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you” is more than an ideal. It is our mandate — to express the kindness of Jesus to all people so that they might have a personal relationship with Him.

Grant Wise
Chester County Gospel Mission/Old Mill - Coatesville, PA
Mr. Wise is very busy at the camp doing things like mowing, raking, cleaning, washing and restocking. He keeps the facilities looking great! When groups come to the camp, he makes sure they have all the supplies they need for their ministry. He also spends time with children when they come for clubs and camp.

Tim & Larissa Zook
InterAct Ministries - Fairbanks, AK
Mr. and Mrs. Zook lead the youth group at Fairbanks Native Bible Church. The teens are mostly members of the Native community and from families that don’t know Jesus. They meet at the Zook’s house for Bible study and also do lots of fun activities together—snow machining and camping are some of their favorites.
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