What is a CORE Group? A small group of ideally 8 to 15 people who meet in a home to make disciples in a relational environment.

What is the purpose of a CORE Group? To make disciples as we encourage and challenge one another to unconditionally follow, love, and obey Jesus, and equip others to do the same. This happens as we pray, study the Bible, and live life on mission together.

Who should sign up for a CORE group? Anyone wanting to deepen their faith walk and become more Christlike in all areas of their life with the accountability, encouragement, and support of a group.
Why the name CORE? As Jesus commanded, disciple making should be at the CORE of each of our lives. Jesus himself demonstrated this CORE group approach in his own life by living life on mission with the twelve apostles and specially training Peter, James, and John. CORE also paints a similar picture to the term DNA; it’s part of who we are.

Are DNA groups being done away with? Absolutely not! In fact, DNA groups will remain a vital part of the CORE group experience. Some weeks everyone will meet together while other weeks will provide an opportunity to share more intimately with one another as men meet with men and women with women.
Why do we need to add something “new” to DNA? DNA has been a great resource for disciple making at Pequea and CORE groups will keep the strengths of DNA while adding even more elements for effectively reproducing disciple makers. CORE groups will provide couples and families the opportunity to work together as we follow, love, and obey Jesus and equip others to do the same.

What does it mean to “live life on mission together?” God calls us to live our lives as Jesus would. All that we do—home, work, and play—should be lived out according to how God is working in and through us. Your CORE group will be a place where this happens as we work in community to live as disciples of Jesus and share the love of Jesus with those who do not yet know Him.
How often will CORE groups meet? Weekly. It is important that relationships grow deeper as we live life on mission together. While someone may need to miss occasionally due to sickness, emergencies, or vacation, meeting together weekly is vital to the disciple making process.

Where will CORE groups meet? Groups will preferably meet in people’s homes. Some have the space and desire to host and may offer the use of their homes. Part of a CORE group’s mission is to reach into the community and by meeting in homes, we are reminded that believers are called to go outside the walls of the church building.

When will CORE groups meet and for how long? To provide continuity with other events on the church schedule, it’s likely that most groups will meet on Thursday evenings for approximately two hours. However, to offer flexibility, some groups may plan to meet at other times.
Will CORE groups renew annually like DNA groups? There is no set time that CORE groups will stay together. It is important that deep relationships are built to enhance disciple making and this takes time. However, it is also a goal of each group to multiply as more people are reached and come into the group. When a group reaches more than 15 people, it will prepare to multiply into two separate groups.
When will CORE groups begin? Signups will begin online in February 2024 and CORE groups will begin meeting in March 2024.
Will my current DNA group have to end in March? DNA groups will not have to end, however, many people may choose to join a CORE group. The choice will be up to those currently in a DNA group as to what they would like to do.
What about children? Each CORE group will decide how to best deal with their children. Many factors will come into play such as ages of children, available space, someone to assist with childcare, and many other considerations.

Will CORE groups be arranged by geographical location? To start, there will be five groups in various locations. You may choose to join a group near your home, or another group led by someone with whom you already have a relationship.

Can I invite someone outside of Pequea Baptist Church to a CORE group? CORE groups are mainly to help those who attend Pequea become mature disciples of Jesus and reach out to disciple others. These groups also provide a place where someone who is not a believer in Jesus, but interested in discovering more, can be invited to witness the love we have for one another and for our community. If there are those from other churches who can benefit from such an undertaking, they may be part of a CORE group as well.

Can I start my own CORE group? CORE groups will begin with leaders including the deacons and a few others who have been trained in this endeavor of making disciples. These leaders will also train others who will eventually lead other CORE groups. As groups multiply, there will be more opportunities for leadership as people are trained.